Top 10 Qualities to Look for When Hiring a React JS Developer in 2024
Frontend Development React

Top 10 Qualities to Look for When Hiring a React JS Developer in 2024

May 7, 2024

It can be difficult to locate and hire the best ReactJS developers in 2024, given the rapidly changing technology landscape of React JS development, but doing so is essential to the success of your projects. The need for qualified ReactJS developers is still high, as ReactJS’s performance and versatility continue to rule the frontend development scene.

Hiring a front-end developer is perhaps one of the most important decisions for any business looking to increase its online visibility. They can affect how customers view your company based on their coding, UX sensibility, and ability to work with your IT and design teams. One of the most widely used client-side programming technologies is the JavaScript library React. Finding the best one thus depends on your ability to screen top React JS developers. 

In this article we’ll provide you with the complete React developer hiring guide and with practical advice and methods in depth to help you recruit top candidates and optimize the hiring process  of your React JS development company.

Recognising the Function of a ReactJS Developer :

It’s critical to comprehend the responsibilities and abilities of a ReactJS developer before beginning the hiring process, it is crucial to have an understanding of the necessary React developer skill set .

 The production of dynamic and interactive online apps is made possible by the React library, which is used by ReactJS developers to design user interfaces. These engineers should have a strong grasp of state management and component-based architecture and should be fluent in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The Principal Duty of a ReactJS Developer
– Creating and putting into use user interface elements.
– Creating front-end libraries and reusable components.
– Increasing the performance of apps through optimization.
– Guaranteeing compatibility across several platforms and gadgets

The Top 3 Soft Skills for React JS Developers to Look for When Hiring React JS Developers:

In order to screen ReactJS developers for your React JS development company, let’s look at some assessment-worthy soft skills:

1.  Interaction
Communication is essential to the app development process, both internally within the team and externally with stakeholders. In these situations, the ReactJS developer would frequently find himself or herself interacting with a variety of individuals with varying backgrounds in both technical and non-technical fields. Therefore, in order to involve everyone in the development process, comprehend project requirements, communicate requirements to team members, offer progress updates, and so on, the developer needs to have strong communication skills.

2. The Solution-Solving Method
The developer’s understanding, reasoning, and thinking are all parts of their approach to problem-solving. The project’s success with the React JS development company is actually determined by how they move from identifying the issue to formulating a solution; each of these phases depends on the individual’s aptitude and approach to problem-solving. In a similar vein, this ability is also tested when unintentional errors occur during the development process and the developer must address them while coming up with and figuring out suitable solutions. You therefore need someone who is willing to think creatively and who isn’t afraid to make mistakes, as long as they’re willing to learn from them.

3. Capacity for Teamwork
Developers of ReactJS are not outcasts from other parts of the process. Even the most self-reliant individuals with full React full-stack programming abilities need to collaborate with the product owner, tester, designer, and other team members, among others they must therefore project a persona that enables them to get along with others and support the team. After all, if they can’t collaborate with others, all of their technological expertise is useless.

Top 7 Technical Skills for React JS Developers When Recruiting:

The following seven skill sets are essential for every hiring manager of a React JS development company to look for in a React JS developer:

  1. They Should Know HTML and CSS: HTML and CSS are among the top seven technical talents for recruiting React JS developers because they are necessary for developing user interfaces (UIs) that are both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. These abilities are essential for judging an application’s perceived worth and caliber. Working with HTML tags and CSS selectors, comprehending the box model, performing CSS resets, implementing responsive web concepts, and going back to the border-box are all necessary skills for the candidate to possess.
  2. Have the Understanding of JavaScript Essentials: Before starting with React JS developer hiring, another essential competency needed for ReactJS developers is JavaScript, which covers a wide range of topics including variables, data types, operators, loops, switch statements, objects, primitives, booleans, arrays, and more. These underlying concepts are essential to ReactJS web development code, and having a solid understanding of JavaScript can help you become a more proficient ReactJS developer.
  3. React JS developers need to have JavaScript ES6 expertise: JavaScript basics are not enough for a React developer; they also need to be well-versed in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015, also known as ECMAScript 6). With this updated version of JavaScript, the developer can create and manage web applications according to your specifications. Scoping variables, array methods, arrow functions, DOM manipulation, event handling, high-order functions, call-back functions, the “this” keyword, and other features are among the most in-demand React JS developer competencies for ES6. Upon careful examination, it becomes apparent that ES6 represents a progression of the JavaScript foundations previously covered, and as such, it is deemed a crucial query in a React developer interview. Therefore, we reiterate that these abilities for React JS developers may differ.
  4. The skill set of JSX (JavaScript XML) ReactJS developers: While we’re talking about JavaScript, let’s not forget how important it is for React developers to know how to use it. A JavaScript syntactic extension called JSX makes ergonomic coding possible. JSX-trained ReactJS developers can code and use HTML/XML elements in React with ease. With this information, React developers may also create applications that make use of React APIs, which would otherwise be a laborious job. JSX not only simplifies and speeds up app development, but it also improves scalability without adding complexity to the code. Keep in mind that the JavaScript parser Babel can translate HTML syntax into simple JavaScript files. Therefore, a ReactJS developer proficient in Babel can also be a suitable candidate.
  5. Expertise of Git React: Git-savvy ReactJS developers are very good at version control, code storage, and upkeep. Their proficiency as ReactJS developers allows them to store the project on centralized version control platforms such as BitBucket, GitHub, and GitLab. Developers can use commands like push, pull, comment, add, etc to update the code with the required modifications. Git keeps track of these modifications and lets developers isolate or merge branches to test the functionality of the code in various scenarios. This means that without changing the source code or other modules, the developer can introduce features or remove them one at a time. It is evident from this definition and position that React JS engineers can greatly benefit from having Git abilities for code maintenance without sacrificing important information or features.

    6. Know-how of Node and npm: If you are specifically seeking a ReactJS full-stack developer with the necessary expertise, Node can be a good choice. Node would handle back-end development, while React could handle front-end development. One excellent illustration of a full-stack environment is the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack. Further improving their compatibility is the possibility for developers to run React programmes directly in the Node environment and vice versa. Additionally, understanding Node can be very helpful because React is used in both server-side and client-side scripts. Additionally, since you already have a requirement for React JS developer expertise, make sure that they have a thorough understanding of the registry for NPM (Node Packet Manager). With the aid of this registry, developers and providers of ReactJS development services can update app packages and extract additional value from the React library.
  6. React JS developer talents for Redux: One of React’s weakest points is asynchronous state updates. That’s why one of the most important talents for ReactJS developers to have is the ability to comprehend and operate with Redux. Redux is an integrated state that gives a developer authority over and maintains the React framework. Scalability-focused developers use it for state management. Redux aids developers in creating applications that exhibit consistent behavior, are simple to test, and work identically in many contexts by incorporating the concepts of functional programming and immutability.


WebRTCKnowing how to integrate Web RTC in your React application is crucial for all React JS developers.

With the use of innovative technology like WebRTC, data, audio, and video channels can be supported without the need for further plugins or outside programmes. Because of its built-in peer-to-peer functionality, users can connect with each other directly and exchange information in a smooth manner.

This technology is frequently used in live streaming, gaming, video conferences, and video chat apps. It is not simply restricted to video chat applications. Developers may design scalable and effective real-time communication solutions by utilizing WebRTC.


With the help of the robust React Signature Canvas framework, React developers can easily incorporate signature-capturing features into their apps. 

A React wrapper component for the signature pad functionality is called React Signature Canvas. It gives customers the ability to draw their signature image on a web page using an intuitive yet robust interface. The library has a different name since it is a highly modified fork of another signature pad library. It has undergone substantial evolution to add new features and address numerous bugs.

All that React Signature Canvas is a wrapper—that is, a React wrapper component—around the canvas element that serves as the foundation for the signature capture.


In 2024, finding the best ReactJS developers will need a calculated approach and in-depth knowledge of the market. You can draw in and keep top React JS developers for your React JS development company by having an in-depth knowledge of the skill set while hiring and carrying out extensive assessments. To create a cohesive and productive team, don’t forget to give equal weight to communication skills, cultural fit, and technical proficiency such as proficiency in React canvas signature, Web RTC, and in all other best coding practices.

Don’t wait any further to get started, hire top react JS developers from our incredible team of developers at Primathon.