Custom AI Solutions: Using AI to Detect and Prevent Financial Fraud
Artificial Intelligence

Custom AI Solutions: Using AI to Detect and Prevent Financial Fraud

Jun 7, 2024

According to the IMF, in 2016, Bangladesh’s central bank was targeted by hackers who exploited SWIFT vulnerabilities to steal $1 billion. Despite most transactions being blocked, $101 million remained missing, highlighting the underestimated systemic cyber risks in the global financial system.

Regretfully, it seems that one of the industries most frequently targeted by threats is the financial one. 2022 was the highest year on record for phishing assaults, with 4.7 million and 27.7 percent of those explicitly targeting the financial sector, according to APWG’s Phishing Activity Trends Report. 

Looking at the nature of the financial systems and the fact that monetary flows are never static and are actively evolving, the fight against fraud has remained an ongoing process. With increased adoption of digital methods of commerce and constantly emerging threats, companies are seeking out new and effective methods of protecting their investments as well as those of their consumers. The high risk of fraud, especially in the financial sector, has been tackled by the implementation of new and more advanced technologies that seek innovation and perfectibility, such as custom AI solutions.

In the given article, we will take a detailed view of the capacity of bespoke AI in fintech and custom AI solutions in preventing fraud in the financial sector. 

 AI in Fintech: Let’s Talk About the Benefits!

According to Statista it is anticipated that from 2022 to 2025, the rate at which artificial intelligence (AI) is adopted by financial sector businesses will increase. Nearly half of executives predicted that artificial intelligence would be widely used in their organizations by 2022. Not only that, it is also projected that, by 2025, the crucial implementation of AI will surpass this percentage.

Integrated and brand AI solutions are transforming the financial industry in its capacity to proactively create and manage threats through the application of precise algorithms and machine learning relevant to the financial sector’s problem-solving processes. Here’s how:

1. Fraud Detection:

    • Anomaly Detection: Custom AI solutions are easily able to look into massive volumes of account transactional information for suspicious data that depicts shady transactions. These systems incorporate intelligent knowledge into the machine learning algorithms to improve performance based on statistical data on new and evolving risky behaviors.
    • Behavioral Analysis: With AI tools, consumer behaviors and patterns in spending can be observed, and typical activity levels created so that atypical behavior can be detected. Any variation from these trends, as well as large or costly purchases or account activity, raises alarms to investigate the account more closely, allowing financial institutions to take timely action.
    • Real-time Monitoring: Through artificial intelligence, controls can implement real-time tracking of transactions and alert the authorities as transactions are being made. This proactive approach to financial crimes enables financial institutions to take first-line action against fraudulent transactions, thus minimizing the amount of loss incurred.

    2. Risk Assessment:

      • Credit Scoring: A credit risk scoring method predicted by AI models considers credit information, earnings, and expenditure. Due to the fact that these models incorporate non-traditional data elements together with the help of predictive analytics, they offer risk assessments that are more precise, enabling lenders to make the right decision on credit extension, thereby avoiding defaults as well as frauds on their credits.
      • Market Surveillance: Custom AI solutions also keep track of the movement of financial markets and trades to check for insider activities, fraud, or any other unlawful acts. Through processing real-time and powerful market data, such systems can pinpoint uneasy patterns as well as triggers that are identified to fraudulent conduct intended to deceive the regulatory authorities.

      3. Compliance and Regulatory Reporting:

        • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance: AI solutions are implemented in an organization’s financial management department to enable them to flag and investigate activities or customers that do not meet AML regulation requirements. They help in improving compliance work by increasing efficiency in detection and avoiding false alarms that can spike operational costs.
        • Regulatory Reporting: Custom AI solutions help organizations automate the flow of regulatory information processing, including data collection, analysis, and preparation of reports based on the automated analysis of data that does not meet the regulations. This aids in early detection and reporting to the appropriate authorities, thus eliminating the possibility of fines and punitive actions.

        In general, custom AI solutions are essential in countering threats in the financial industry, as they contribute by offering efficient fraud detection mechanisms, risk evaluation tools, and compliance systems. Through the application of AI, financial institutions are able to keep on improving security as well as prevent and mitigate new emerging risks in this digital era.

        Key Challenges of Implementing Custom AI Solutions in Fintech:


        1. Data Quality: A Critical Perspective on Ensuring Data Accuracy and Completeness for Effective Threat Detection.
        2. Scalability: The challenges of growing complexity and very large datasets facing AI systems.
        3. Interpretability: NAFTA and the Future of Trade, Responsible, Transparent AI and its Future.


        1. Data Governance: This can be done by ensuring proper data governance policies and techniques are put in place to ensure the data is accurate.
        2. Cloud-Based Infrastructure: Appraisal Extend the use of AI models by utilizing web-based cloud platforms capable of supporting the training as well as the deployment of scalable AI models.
        3. Explainable AI: Build AI models that incorporate transparent capabilities of how decisions were made in an effort to overcome interpretability and compliance challenges.


        It is safe to state that out-of-the-box custom AI solutions are now changing the fortunes of fraud detection and prevention in the field of fintech. Through applying the newest technologies, including artificial intelligence, in any financial and transaction processes, companies will be able to avoid fraudulent actions as well as customers’ security. This integration between AI and the fintech sector ensures sustained progressive improvement through the creativity of new corresponding methods, secure transaction procedures, and, therefore, more credibility of monetary business instrumentality within the future of the trade.